twin studies

musings on life as an identical twin plus meandering into current events and other topics

Friday, November 17, 2006

exploring on-line retail

I just started looking into on-line retail, on-line businesses, since it looks like I'm going to be home most of the time from now on. While visiting the Food Bank of South Jersey's site, I saw that they were selling FBSJ merchandise via Curious as always, I checked them out and le voila! I started my own on-line store called ThinkTwin. Here's the url: Apparently, when and if I develop my own website, I can put HTML direction on it to direct folks to my merchandise.

I said it would be for political and activism purposes. Just have to think of what! Since I am a thinking twin, that shouldn't be too difficult. Let me see...environmental awareness, compassion toward others, putting people before profits (and the profits will follow...). I will keep thinking. Maybe I can start with some lovely art of twin cats, since cats are always big and twins are always fascinating - even to twins!